The Rio Texas Conference Disaster Response Committee met on December 3rd to prepare for 2023. Status of ongoing projects were discussed. Items of business, including a Financial Report and Budget approval, were taken care of.
Discussion over the upcoming South Central Jurisdiction “Mission Academy” in San Antonio on Feb 26-28th and plans for committee members to attend, was positively received. Followed by an in depth conversation on how to better promote our efforts and increase recruitment.
Though 2022 did not see a local large disaster event (Hurricane), we need to be as prepared as possible, as it is a matter of time. Being prepared and participating in smaller scale events, such as flood recovery, wildfire clean up and securing tornado impacted roofs, will keep us ready to be there. #BeReadytoBeThere
Attending Rio Texas Disaster Response Committee Members:
Front - Rick Mergen, Larry Etter
Center - JoAnn Lieberman, Javier Leyva, Gene Hileman, Larry Altman, Roland Pecina, Larry Rice
Back - Abel Vega, Jack Foreman, Jim Street, Whitney Maupin via Zoom
Photo by Leslie Ricks