Volunteers of All Ages Needed! Martinez Disaster Response Warehouse in Kerrville
Volunteers are helping to assemble and verify cleaning kits at the Martinez Disaster Response warehouse in Kerrville
Relief supply kits help provide care for the most vulnerable during times of crisis. UMCOR collects and distributes cleaning buckets, hygiene kits and menstrual hygiene kits . When kits are donated to the relief supply network, volunteers assemble and verify the contents of the kits. The Warehouse will then store the kits until a request for them is received. Once a request is received, the kits are shipped to those who need them.
Volunteers are asked to come to the Warehouse during the following dates to verify the current supply of Cleaning Kits, so they can be distributed quickly in a time of need. For more information, please contact Eugene Hileman - (210) 557-8698 or aehileman@riotexas.org.
Date for Verification: First Saturdays of each month. 9am - 12pm
If you have a larger group ( 10 or more), we would be glad to schedule another day if more convenient. Contact Eugene!