In-Person ERT Training

Early Response Teams (ERT) are specially trained teams that offer assistance soon after the disaster strikes. They generally do clean up work and tasks required to stop further damage from being done, e.g. putting tarps on damaged roofs. They might do minor repairs that help make homes habitable, but they do not do extensive repairs or reconstruction (that is the job for Long Term Recovery).

The $30 cost of the training includes all training materials, snack and lunch, T-shirt, background check and identification badge.

NOTE: Prior to the date of training, you MUST complete the following prerequisites:

  • Complete a background check - Please forward submission of background check to

  • Send a photo for your badge - e-mail to (plain color background, no glare if wearing glasses, no hats)

  • Send in the $30 fee for the class if you are able (Nobody will be denied training due to the inability to pay, but we do ask that you let us know, so we can keep the accounting correct). CashApp, Venmo, Paypal, cash and checks accepted.